when you shove an boiled egg in someone's mouth and wrap a leather belt around their face and kick them in the mouth. Release the Ghost in the Shell
hey girl can you do a Ghost in the Shell on me I'll give you a $20
by potc September 28, 2020
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When you palm a girls wet vagina and lick it.
Nigga 1: bro how was it with that girl last night?
Nigga 2: man it was sight, I gave her the ole clam shell.
by BdWolfSx October 21, 2017
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A term Popularized on Facebook Del sol Forums. A Shell Sol is a Honda Del Sol that has been fully gutted to the point of being a bare metal chassis with little to no parts left.
"Man after that part out he has to figure out how to get rid of the Shell-Sol sitting in his driveway"
by WarpathianCabana August 2, 2021
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A type of comet that looks more like a symbol rather than a comet.

A truly beautiful sight where you see the clearest glimmer of beauty in the stars (best seen at night). Fills a person with many emotions, especially gratitude and appreciation, everyone loves them! They are truly something you don't want to pass off or turn head away from, and even if they are underappreciated or ignored, they are really one of the most glorious things in the world. Seeing one in the moonlight is something anyone should be proud of. (Based on a poem).
I love the shell comets out tonight! That one looks like a capybara!
by Kawaii Chris November 22, 2021
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When a Raven swoops in and grabs a turtle. Then the Raven takes the turtle back to it's nest and uses the turtle as a sex slave.
I just pulled a flying shell on another one.
by GoldenGamer6 November 19, 2017
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A selfie that all white girls take where you can barely see each girls forehead
by Egg shell September 5, 2019
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