When someone has explosive diarrhea at Pizza Hut and shits all over the toilet seat.
I was going to use the bathroom, but someone Phillip Phillips'd the hell out of that bathroom.
by Phillips Phillip June 3, 2019
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The best person you will meet, and is a great person that loves video games and art. He is a great boyfriend and will comfort you when you need it. If you have a friend named Ryder p Blue you are very lucky.
Im friends with Ryder Phillip Blue
by Ryder. March 24, 2023
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He is a great friend and will always be there for you. If you are stuggaling he will try and help you get through it. He is a great boyfriend and will give you a lot. If you have a friend named Ryder you would be very lucky.
I am ryder phillip blue and im proud to be me
by Ryder. March 24, 2023
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Noun, Verb, Adjective:
Noun: A hockey player who is often known for scoring on his own net. Also used to name any random person with no relation to the user whatsoever. Variations of this noun are Chris Phillips, CPhilly, Chris and Philly.
Verb: The word Chris or Phillips can be used to replace virtually any other verb in the english language.
Adjective: It`s Chris. Not cool, not lame, etc. It`s Chris
Using Noun:

Person A(To a passerby or random person): CHRIS PHILLIPS!!

Using Verb: Person A: Dude what are you doing?
Person B: Nothing just Chrissing around.

Using Adjective: Person A: Did you see that girl?
Person B: Yeah, she`s so Chris.
by It`sChrisPhillips!! June 11, 2011
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Mason is a guy that is dirty minded and doesn't care about anything in the world
Mason Phillips just doesn't care.. by your friendly neighborhood spiderman
by Mason Phillips November 6, 2019
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