yes and yes + yes and yes oh yah and btw yes.....yes
dude1:go to bed
dude:2 uh uh uh okay
dude3:jiggly bung
by Nico_Cloud✞ January 21, 2022
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Someone who crams drugs up their ass to evade the law..
Kitis was bung shooting the crack to get it in the jail..
by bung shooter October 14, 2013
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Going out with the intention of having a huge one
Danny: “What are you fellas up to tonight?”
Martin: “We just ripped down to the bottle-o and grabbed a couple cartons of jack and some nose beers and we are fucking ‘bunging one on’”
by Deerrrhhhh August 31, 2018
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The topping of an asshole with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle, followed by the enthusiastic swirling of the tongue around the asshole eating every last drop and leaving the recipient fully satisfied.
My man came over and gave me the best bung hole swirly of my life!
by Trixie9 February 20, 2021
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This term represents an alternative to the colourful word "fuck" it can be used in many ways to describe a problem or to exaggerate a surprise
"AH bung lao that's broken now" "bung lao! what the hell is that?" "BUNG LAO YOU!"
by wordoodle69 July 20, 2022
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A foul smelling odor typically from poor hygiene or Osmidrosis (Body Odor).
The Impala was known for its reek of Bung Butt and old crusty McDonalds French Fries.
by EJ32498 January 28, 2022
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Something that happens to your backside when you're in jail and are overpowered by Bubba.
I got bung frittered last night by Bubba. I think I'll stand over there to eat my breakfast.
by olry urabus July 14, 2017
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