"gordon" is the word used when referencing a large group or flock of clowns.
We saw a gordon of clowns camped out in the local park.
by brainblur June 3, 2023
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A Male Swirly Tabby Cat That Meows And Plays with Kittens.
This is Gordon
by MayDayMeh June 13, 2018
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A vampire Russian spy. He has a laugh that is contagious. Kinda has a thing with dogs eat burritos.
Guy1 “look it’s Gordon” Guy2 “shh he can hear you he’s a vampire
by Jzy23 May 9, 2020
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A person that will apply fruit roll up dye to your eye ball for $0.50 in the first grade. He made ~$13 from this business deal while simultaneously not having the brain capacity to realize he ate the entire apple core, exclaiming 'Where's the apple core?!' after consuming an entire apple core.
That cunt that looks like he is on heroin, what a Gordon!
by Arrival_ July 18, 2020
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Gordon is absolute. Gordon is pure. Gordon is life. Without a gordon, there would be no life. He's the equivialent to a Kent. He's the creator of love.
Wow... I't felt like Gordon grabbed me and fucking healed my broken soul.
by BigTronco February 20, 2020
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Inserting fingers into a vagina, then wiping them under the nose along the upper lip of the person whose vagina was penetrated. (A vaginal variation of the "Dirty Sanchez" )
After I fingered her, I gave her "The Gordon's Fisherman" ...she was pissed.
by Such A Good Good Boy August 1, 2022
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