When you have a powerful poop, that spashes copious amounts of toilet water on you butt.
I used the portapotty at the fair and the poop caused some cirque du soilet
by poopetrator February 27, 2012
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a scam centre located in Burwood and Hurstville (bad side of T4), where selective school students compete against each other in order to become maths geniuses (it doesn't work). students prioritise dr du over actual schoolwork and hence receive mediocre scores in maths exams.

also dont even get me started on dr du english
Person 1: "You wanna go out on Sunday?"
Person 2: "Nah, sorry brother, I got Dr Du."
by toponefunniestperson January 5, 2023
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1. A loud reaction to something
2. When someone pushes you over the edge
3. Responding to a threat
4. Ejaculation onto a woman's face

"Dude, I totally Ree Du Nutted on Kelly's face last night"
by Lee Bogut January 5, 2010
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Jemanden mit etwas RICHTIG nerven.
*Freund spielt GTA V*
Freundin: Kannst du nicht mal wieder etwas anderes machen außer den Scheiß spielen?
Freund: Boahh... Du gehst mir voll auf den Sack! Jetzt lass mich doch in ruhe zocken...
by Nemesis314 October 21, 2013
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a insult to a person and his/her parents in norwegian.
stating that your mom is a man, your dad is gay and that you are an adopted transgendered person.
boy: mor di e så feit at hun må betale for tre seter på kinoen.
your mom is so fat that she has to pay for three seats at the theatres/cinemas.

joker: mor di e mann far din e homo og du e ein adoptert transe.

your mom is a man, your dad is gay and you are a adopted trans.
by tommydalommy January 4, 2018
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in vietnamese it literally means fuck your mother. du ma means fuck you and toi du ma may means I fucked your mother. but my family is slang and southern soo.
du ma may
by tôi đụ má mây April 19, 2022
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