basically saving someone the last few drags on a fag
save me threes not indian ankles
by summeroceanwave October 3, 2021
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If someone tells you to go and hit your ankle on a scooter, they're most likely evil and want you to die. When someone tells you that, you are highly recommended to keep away from those people for the rest of your life.
Adam: Go hit your ankle on a scooter you idiot!
Micheal: *Moves to another country*
by Neo1313 November 11, 2019
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1. A phrase you make up a definition for because your bored as fuck.
2. When your ankle is in so much pain, that it feels on fire
Person 1: Give me a random word
Person 2: jalapeño
Person 3: ankle
Person 1: uh ok
Person 1: Damn I got a jalapeño ankle!
Person 2: what the fuck is that?
Person 1: I saw some loser define it on Urban Dictionary. Apparently it means when your ankle hurts a lot.
Person 2: oh... What a loser
by Mii Simp February 19, 2021
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When you're smoking a cigarette and you're at the bottom of the cigarette near the writing
Yo Luke I'll save you pakis ankles on this cigarette
by jjcogg March 30, 2020
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When a woman has her ankles pushed next to her ears during intercourse
I was hittin it so good i made her put her ankle buds in
by Mick diggler August 9, 2021
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The process of taking a shower when the drain is clogged with hair or other funkiness, and the tub fills with water while you're in there.

Can also be used to describe the actual tub you are trying to shower in, but standing ankle deep in water...
Hey girl. Can I come shower at your place? Mine's a total ankle bath right now, and I don't feel like dealing with it.
by sweetsarahbelle February 1, 2011
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This is just a random word I came up with. It means absolutely nothing, and you should probably never use it literally ever.
"Ankle McJankle."
by Chad06 September 13, 2023
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