Toure is one particularly racist ass nigga, and is a mega coon.

For example: "Omg this dude is such a toure!!" Meaning hes racist and a coon.
by User2332249942 March 19, 2022
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1. An amazing tour featuring just Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie. Without Alice Cooper there would be no Rob Zombie.

2. Rob Zombie is a great Crowd pleasing performance where as Alice Cooper is more of drama and killing on stage.
The Grewsome Twosome Tour was a badass experence.
by its a carry-on!!! May 17, 2010
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To tour a place such as museums, attractions, sightseeing, etc., without a guided tour showing you around.
Kyle: Hey Justin, do you want to go to the Ground Zero at 2 pm? They have guided tours, but we can go do self tours since we don’t need a guided tour.

Justin: I would love to go, but unfortunately, I won’t be able to go at 2 pm. Can we do noon, if possible?

Kyle: That’s perfectly fine, Justin! Self tours are more fun than a guided tour anyways since we can talk to each other!
by FellowGonzalez August 2, 2022
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Going on several vacations in a small period of time.
Let's go on a vacay tour this summer! I want to go to America with Jaimy, to Brazil with Marijke and to Sweden with Margaux!
by Whatevafeelsright June 6, 2018
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When a group of 'gal-pals' get together,generally to go to a club that is outside of their local vicinity and they all agree to be as slutty as possible.
Friend 1: "The club is 45 minutes away gals!!"
Friend 2 :"Yaasss sluts on tour"
by secretseshmoth December 9, 2016
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Someone who is constantly seeking out new sexual experiences or adventures. It can be used to refer to both men and women, but is typically used in reference to men. A tour crater is always travelling and exploring many different kinds of relationships and activities.
John: "Hey, what do you think about that guy? He's definitely a fucking tour crater."
Sara: "Yeah, I heard he's been all over the place lately. He's always looking for a bitch."
by ItsInu January 13, 2023
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When someone frome the western hemisphere visits the eastern hemisphere with the intent to have as much sex with eastern people as possible.
Im taking my brother on an eastern sushi tour.
by Ram5738 December 9, 2022
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