mario and spongebob means to rape and then brutally murder someone to then dispose of their body is a river
mario: itsa me mario

spongebob: mario and spongebob
by wethenigas427 March 25, 2023
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A secretly gay white male, a Christian who pursues being a priest in his mid age but the only reason he pursues working in churches is because of his lore from being molested by a Christian priest as a child
Your such a SpongeBob kid”
by Spongebob kid April 24, 2024
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a masterpiece of music including Krabs dissing plankton with fire ass songs that are better than the actual worldwide rap scene
x: have you heard plankton's diss to krabs?
y: yea Spongebob rap scene is lit
by the bottom g July 9, 2023
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When something is mangled, or twisted.

Down right messed up.
Lexi spongebobbed her pants last night
by Wormwoods January 22, 2023
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(noun) A substance that many Jamaicans and hippies smoke. Commonly known as marijuanna or weed.
Jamaican guy 1:Yo mon, you got any o' dat spongebob kelp mon?
Jamaican guy 2:Yes, mon lets smoke it mon.
Happy Jamaican people :)
by That Mon Mon November 24, 2013
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Hey spobgebobs back!!!
hey spongebobs back fish
by DanDumb April 29, 2021
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A human who has used illicit substances in such massive doses daily, usually since adolescence. This results in a near inability to feel completely content with their high, unless several substances are used in conjunction. E.G. “fuck man I just took 90mg of methadone, waited a bit and shot a goofball with qt. Gram of h and half a g of speed. Now I gotta take these bars, probably gonna smoke a half g of fetty powder and half a ball of crystal after” while most users would think of this as wasteful or suicidal some users who since developing neurologically alongside several high doses of illicit substances become nearly immune to over use of several conflicting substances. DRUG SPONGE
Noun- Drug Sponge (SpongeBob)
Homie-“You good dawg”?
You-“yeah man sorry I took my 120mg dose of methadone, smoked some dark and clear off foil, ate those rolls, and took 20mg of Valium.”
Homie-“yeah fam, you’re a mfin sponge for sure.”
by Fettyfuckfaceforfuxsake April 4, 2023
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