To add in a small specific detail in order to make your lie seem more convincing.
Person 1: After some light digging we find he has been arrested for kidnapping, false imprisonment, and theft of a snake.

Person 2: Dude, I know that's not true, you're just faking the snake!
by a_random_stranger November 1, 2017
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Teasing someone until they bite you. Usually sexual in context.
She was teasing the snake so much that it bit her in the face.
by X Bienoît X May 24, 2019
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Something or someone that is that is cool or dope.
"Bro that last game was Gucci Snakes
by HankuroTheRonin May 18, 2022
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noun: A cult icon which took in-class note-passing to a new level in the mid 80's through the mid 90's. Originating in Southern California, can be composed of any medium - paper, plastic, cardboard, leaves, etc. Most commonly used to rip on classmates, but had other unique disruptive uses that ranged from harmless (Naked Happy Snake) to moderately destructive to classroom infrastructure (Stuck-In-An-Overhead-Projector-Fan-Happy-Snake).

Happy snakes most commonly composed of a medium capable of being written on and contained the trademark happy snake with forked tongue. The message could be relevant to the medium it was composed of, or for passing insults and/or disrupting class.
"Is that a Tarie-Leaie-Stuck-In-A-Vise-With-A-Can-Tab-Stuck-To-It-While-Going-55MPH-Down-The-Highway-On-The-Back-Of-A-Maintenance-Truck Happy Snake?"

"Why yes, it is!"
by lb lb lb lb March 18, 2009
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a snake in the grass is a sly person whos always doing things behind peoples backs.
-slithery one.
-an eva cowzer: "im a snake in the grass"
by gemmeeg February 8, 2010
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The guy who defeated Issac Hayes, Bruce Campbell and a Che Guevara lookalike, escaped from New York and L.A, rescued Donald Pleasance, screwed over the American government twice, managed to pilot the world’s worst animated minisub, rode a tsunami with Peter Fonda and shot his way through a thinly disguised polystyrene wall, all with one eye and an impractical mullet.
Snake Plissken is cool.

Snake Plissken said "Draw"

Snake Plissken wants a smoke.
by Phantom Definition Writer December 13, 2005
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