The time period when the Shepherd usually tweets.
Tweet o'clock is between the hours of 10:30 and 11:30 pm EST.
by yumad112233 November 13, 2022
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A woman feeling extremely horny and wanting sex right now!
Get upstairs, it's sausage o'clock 😋
by E. Hitler September 29, 2022
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That time of day, or morning where your cat gives no s***s what your doing, even if you are sleeping at 6am, and start doing everything in its power to get you to feed it.
The only alarm that has no snooze button
Having a pleasant dream in the early hours of the morning.
Cat *starts purring in my face because it's hungry*
Me: checks time (5:35am) "piss off its not feed me o'clock yet" *pushes cat away, rolls over and tries to fall asleep*
Cat: "I don't care what time it is and if your sleepy, I'm awake and I'm hungry so get up hooman"
by Shandogg69 April 26, 2022
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Approximately the time that you boutta get your meat sucked. Can be anytime of the day but preferably after midnight and before 6 AM.
Oh guys I gotta go, GF says its Meat Suck O'Clock.
*Exits to get bj*
by BB_HQ June 9, 2020
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the moment when you see someone very hot in person and would like to hook up with them
''Look at this hot boy over there, I really want to have sex with him!''
''I guess it's Snack o'clock.''
by issasnackysnack February 12, 2018
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