There are two types of feminist's

1) Someone who believes in equal rights and values for both genders

2) Someone who believes in equal rights but still want men to do most of the work.
1. She wants equal rights and shares the responsibilitys of men that feminist is awesome.

2.Guy: She talked about equal rights then said i should pay for everything because im the man.

Guy2: That was a bitch feminist mate.
by James Haig August 18, 2006
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a feminist is a person who hates men.
boy"did you hear the feminist"
by aragorn son of arathorn October 2, 2017
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a woman who, due to being deeply ashamed of her inability to make a good sandwich, tries to rationalize other reasons for having worth.....
Kate thought about killing herself after her husband told her she was crap in the kitchen... but then she just became a feminist instead
by mickyjack February 4, 2009
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A feminist is someone of any gender that wants equal rights between everyone, no matter what their race or sexuality (and other factors) is. Close-minded people claim "FeMiNiSM is CaNCer" or "ALL FEminiStS hAtE MeN" which is entirely false. A feminist only wants equality and peace amongst all people including - sex workers, transgender men and women, etc.
Brad: Feminism isn't needed anymore.

Beau: As a feminist, I disagree because women are still not treated equally to men in many countries and there are so many social issues not being addressed today - especially discrimination against transgender men and women.
by captain buddy May 1, 2019
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A person of any gender, who chooses to believe men are equal to women and women should have as much choice as a man has.
I am a feminist because men shouldn't be allowed to treat women disrespectfully and abuse against men shouldn't be dismissed
by Votechange April 13, 2020
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there are two types of femanists
a woman who believes in equal opportunity for men and women to thrive in the workplace and for other such good causes as right to choose and stopping domestic violence. they realize that women have come a long way in the past 30 years, and that now it is their job to wipe out such blemishes as wife-beating lowlife scum, or sister-fucking, Jesus-sucking rednecks who think that all we need to do is fuck to procreate, and then die. these are the good type of feminists. they dont need to belong to a femi-religious cult to be feminists, just donate a couple of bucks here and there.

the crazy assed feminazi cunt-dykes who have been done wrong by men, and can't seem to get out of the seventies. their visions of equality is a female dominated world in which men are used for fucking and lifting. they whine that men have better jobs than them just cuz there husband can't perform good enough in bed. they think that housewifes are man dominated scum that need to be liberated, not that a housewife is just as important to a family as a working mom and that when a woman wants to feel sexy, she should not be permitted to do so. they are not for female rights as much as they are for there woman dominated world
feminist #1: i feel feminism is a woman's right to choose, and if a woman wants to be a housewife, let her!

Feminist #2: Housewifes are just man robots, and need to be freed, lets get out the bra burning machine again! were taking this shit '76 style!
by 12345432112345 August 29, 2006
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