A very expensive brand. All jean material and jeans bought by mostly African-Americans and partly foreigns. Usually to show off and show people that they bought a $500 pair of jeans. Wow! If you get caught wearing a fake pair you will get humiliated and put on instagram and twitter for wearing a replica. Detroit Niggas are known for wearing true religion jeans and the jacket.
Nigga 1: Damn, you got the white trues!?
Nigga 2: Hell yeah bruh with the retro Jordan 5's.

Nigga 1:True religion everything! Me and my squad boutta hit up the club later wanna come?
Nigga 2: Niggaaaa! Yeah!
by alysse pablo June 24, 2014
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This phenomenon occurs through-out all the corners of the globe. It is when "religious" kids go from pre-teens to teenagers into high-school and they are the ones to experiment with drugs, sex, etc. All because their overly strict religious parents drove them to social-retardation all their lives. So when they hit highschool he/she can not handle the new found freedom.

Usually the school whore/ druggy was once very religious and then highschool came along.
A: "Hey have you seen Christina, I did not see her at church today"

B:" Yeah, she decided to miss church and go have sex with Steven"

A:"Damn, she is still only 15!"

B: "Yeah, that bitch got Religion Fucked"
by JoGa. January 9, 2009
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An old style very political punk rock band. Bad Religion is one of the greatest bands EVER!
Bad Religion songs: "Atomic Garden", "Automatic Man", "Anesthisia", "You Are The Government", "Generator".
by Sabrina Lorentz May 6, 2007
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the two reasons why the world currently is a peice of shit
Religion: FOR ALLAH! *explosion*
Politics: FOR OIL! *invade middle east*
by largo September 27, 2004
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the worst topics for discussion ever. Use these to quickly make enemies and ruin friendships.
person1: Hey man, we really have a lot in common, we should hang out more...
person2: ok
*guys become good friends*

Example 1:
person1: so what do vote for republicans or democrats?
person2: democrats
Person1: republicans....fuck

Example 2:
person1: want to come to church with me?
person2: im atheist
person1: ...fuck....

religion and politics ruined these guys views for each other
by benjamus May 17, 2007
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When you have one traumatic event that causes you to lose most/all of your documents on your computer that you go nuts and start archiving everything you have, just in case. As a result, the most mundane files that have no bearing on life are saved in triplicate.

Often, these individuals with backup religion often tout their "superior" beliefs and practices much like an elitist or a jesus freak. Don't be around one of these people when your computer crashes and you don't have anything backed up; you will only get an "I told you so."
Jim: Dude, why does it take Steve so long to shut down his computer?
Bill: Steve lost all of his work files a few weeks ago, now he always creates a copy of his work onto his thumbstick, external hard drive, and even uploads things to an online service. This guy is crazy.
Jim: Man this guy has a bad case of backup religion.
Steve (whispering as he finishes up): all set and....amen.
by Reverend Walk July 6, 2011
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The religion of Watersheep was created by two very important people in Minecraft, PewDiePie & Watersheep. Watersheep is an official religion created in Bro Land. This religion was founded in June 23, 2019 after Watersheep was tormented and beaten by someone who loved him then killed him, but Watersheep was resurrected he then was held in the council of Water-sheep were PewDiePie worshiped him and he was responsible for every thing that happens to Bro Land. Then later that year PewDiePie had to make the great sacrifice, he had to blow up the council of Watersheep, but since Watersheep is a god he can not be killed, there for watersheep is still watching over us. "WaterSheep was like a father to me, I loved him like my son." -PewDiePie
Religion of WaterSheep- A religion created bye PewDiePie
by DOUBLExDAGGER_YT May 6, 2020
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