An awesome snipe or wreck in gaming or sports.
I just got such a crispy kill in Halo; he didn't stand a chance against my binary rifle ( Z-750 Special Application Sniper Rifle)
by WordSheep December 29, 2016
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Ice Crispies is a type of food that consists of ice and water in a bowl. This meal is usually eaten after the second week after getting paid from a job.
friend: What did you eat today?
you: Oh just Ice Crispies.
by DJ Creepaz January 23, 2017
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A spine chilling (in a good way) wave that will send pure bliss and ecstasy from the tip top of the head all the way to the little piggy toe. Most people aren’t lucky enough to ever get one. If you do, NEVER forget it.
Dude.... I got a crispy wave this morning. My life is complete.
by Beary nice April 8, 2021
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The name of an extremely cold and refreshing beverage. Usually a shitty light american lager beer that hits the spot or a super carbonated and crisp energy drink.
You have have anything to drink?

Yea i have a few crispy bois in the fridge, go grab yourself one.
by BASS333 April 13, 2021
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Something hip or fresh.

Something fresh and exhilarating.
I bought some new crispy shoes
by Juicy dr ro-booty August 31, 2015
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"holy shit that roast was *Sharp Inhale* CRISPY!"
by THEDEFINITIVEFISHMAN September 19, 2018
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HairByChrissy on tiktok
Dang my hair feels really crispy!
Well did you get it done at Hairbycrispys?
by hairbycrispy’s curling iron October 19, 2020
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