When you get a bad cough the morning/day after performing felatio on a questionable woman.
Man, I caught a bad box cough from that girl at the bar last night.
by Boxcoughcreator June 24, 2019
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Stall Cough: A sound made while sitting on a public toilet to let a newly entered patron know someone else is in the bathroom.
To avoid an accidental stall entry, John stall coughed when he heard someone enter the bathroom.
by OJD1 April 21, 2018
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“Cough”, also known as “Daniel Coughlin” or “Crackman” - a young lad from Billericay who likes do endludge in crack cocaine of an evening.
Crack man coughs on a mental one tonight
by Dankof123 November 22, 2021
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coughing: - weird force choking that can cause death (michael hutchence).
Characterised by an attack of the adam's apple.
Force choking being a lack of air, oxygen and love.
I was doing a cough (forced choked) on cam today. I thought that it was a blockage my airwaves however my doctors were not advanced and didn't understand what it was.
by steven.g.y January 5, 2022
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When you are smoking marijuana and over-oxygenate so you can hold your breath for a long time. Usually involving cold weather or ice bongs.
Load up the bong and start breathing so we can get a wim cough going.
by Allegorycorey October 31, 2023
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when your attending a festival and you take too big of a bong hit with your bro macaroni and old man santana and can't stop coughing.
by Gum-Shoe-Sleuth November 24, 2021
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