I have to wake up at 7:30am and drag myself into a lukewarm shower and motivate myself to keep on breathing, sort my hair and get into my uniform like everyone else.

Look into the crowd and notice everyone looks the same, anyone who wears the 'wrong' shoes or maybe has on some jeans or a hoodie, maybe just wearing there tie incorrectly. Gets sent to the head teachers office and is given into trouble, there reason?, we need to show 'pride' in our school -_-

Get to class after being pushed through tiny hallways like cattle, being stared at and observed through classroom windows.

Walk in and sit down, teachers put on a brave face and try to do there best. There are some teachers who can't be bothered, some who really try and believe in there students and the ones who have 'favourites' and treat anyone below the line with contempt and derision.
I do my best, i really do, but it gets to a point where i have to relax and float through my classes. Not really taking anything in and spacing out.

Weekends, well, only happen once a week.
Summer is fleeting and then your thrown back in
Holidays are few and far between

Bullying happens a lot and is overlooked, drugs are an escape i guess and most kids in my class take them.
I don't hate learning

I just hate school
by A Broken Student September 8, 2010
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the worst fuckin' place in the world with partial teachers who will only punish a few kids that they dont like but wont do jackshit to the kids they like
i gotta go 2 school and get detention fer being me again
by dude March 21, 2004
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Man 1: I can't take it anymore man, im going to school
Man 2: ok... See you on the other side
by Sonofabiscunt October 20, 2016
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S- seven
C- crap
H- hours
O- of
O- our
L- lives

Need I say more?
Mom, can I stay home from school? My fingers hurt.

Mom: You've got to maintain your 2.0 GPA! Colleges won't let you in otherwise!
by mudpieslayer April 15, 2010
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Equivalent to Hell. A place where your guardian/parent drop you off so you don't destroy the house. The literal death of me. Where school shootings take place (R.I.P to all school shooting victims). Where you have to spend 12 long years of life (or 120 months). Long story short, school is equivalent to Donald Trump supporters. (No offense).
"Jonathan time for-"
"Nooooooooo mom please please PLEASE I'm begging you! I'll clean my room, I'll do the dishes, FOR JESUS SAKE I'LL DO THE LAUNDRY! I don't wanna go to school!!!!"
by BtsFanatics November 20, 2018
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Are you going to school today? No, my mom caught me with a dime of weed.
by Matt is teh coolest December 19, 2005
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