Questionitis is a psychologial state in which the individual suffering from it starts questioning absolutely everything in it's mind or vicinity. It is known to spread quickly amongst humanity and is very infectious via the module of speech.
"I think I have Questionitis"
"I have questions."
by SnowyDragon March 29, 2020
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Questionitis is a very common psychological state where you start questioning absolutely everything in existence in your vicinity. It is very infectious and very deadly, known to cause confusion if not cured.
"I think I'm suffering from Questionitis"
"What makes you think so?"
by SnowyDragon March 29, 2020
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Chris... You didn't ask the question! Pathetic! I'm very disappointed.
Hym "The question is what do you do about the women preferentially selecting fat cocks and there not being enough to go around? And A.I. girlfriends 'dehumanize women and normalize rape!?' What the fuck!? What a ridiculous fucking thing to say! And how does a fat-cock preference not dehumanize men? How does using small dick as an insult not dehumanize men? And why the fuck would anyone conteact you so you can try to reframe what they want into what you need them to want for fat-cock dictatorship to continue? That's more than one question. The first question was the real question."
by Hym Iam October 17, 2023
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A sarcatorical question is a question asked sarcastically with no desire for a legitimate answer. Often used to allusively insult a debate opponents argument, or to state a bigoted opinion in a nefarious attempt to seem genuine with the option to feign ignorance if criticised for it (see: sealioning)
Example of a Sarcatorical Question : "If slavery was so bad, why didn't black people run away?"
by dwalone December 31, 2022
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1: A question of great importance
2: A topic of great debate at the moment
The Burning question : are mandated constitutionally legal?
by LOLDrown566 July 24, 2021
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When your Bestie asks you a question and makes the subject plural in the sentence. You don't know how to respond to this so you simply say "Plural Question Mark?" to express confusion and loss of words.
by mlpoknbjiuhvcgytfxzdresaqw October 25, 2023
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