v. to be in a mental state state where you are imagining a range of future possibilities; or to make a journey into a specific future timeline by imagining outcome and consequences of the present might play out over time
I try not to future-trip too much, it makes me anxious.
I future-tripped this scenario, so I am prepared and know exactly what to do.
I need your attention and help with this, please listen to me and don't future-trip right now.
by commonyak August 26, 2022
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Future Officer is a person who has the courage and dedication to serve the country in the future. They aspire to join the armed forces and protect their nation. A future officer has the ability to face the unknown and that is the quality that makes a this person a true warrior.
The top most priority of future officers is to give their best and to show that they are not afraid of anything and to sacrifice everything for the country.
They want to serve the nation and their dream is to see India safe.
"Hey, she is preparing to give her SSB this December. She is a Future Officer"
"He is so brave, he stood up to that pervert. He seems to be a future officer material"
by FAO Academy November 26, 2021
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would probably be called mocha and not born, maybe from the streets like rambo
big thigh maryooms future cat isnt latte so its not the best bs its good enough
by JassimF August 9, 2021
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It means when you’re boyfriend or girlfriend is wearing the hoodie they’re going to give you later on in life, so it smells like them when you get it, no matter how much it was because they love you and love has no price
“Hey baby, look what I have on. I’m wearing your future hoodie lol”
by Llllashehw April 1, 2021
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