really cool gangplank main with huge dick and is really cool
really hot asian girl: god i wish i could sleep with klint bonds!
by klintbonds October 28, 2020
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Realising that you are in fact out of toilet paper after taking a large dump and having to pull your trousers half way up your legs to scoot to another toilet/stall to retrieve said toilet paper being careful not to be spotted by any other toilet-goer, just like a master spy.
"I ran out of toilet paper in the Nando's toilets the other day. Ended up having to James Bond It.
by unknownriot September 18, 2017
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The group of women were friends they all had previous trauma that bonded them together
The women's trauma-bonding gave them a better sense of friendship.
by Sierra YBK January 25, 2022
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Bonding with someone while discussing humorous moments.
Person 1: "Remember when Billy Bob tried to skateboard on that treadmill"

Person 2: "Oh yea that was totally a rofl moment. Though when Jimmy Bob tried to trampoline onto a moving truck way beats that moment out"

Person 1: "True that. That was the best rofl moment"

Person 2: "Ah I love rofl-bonding"
by Zoe Dimer February 8, 2011
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slang for a mixed cum impregnation
last night me and some friends bond burgered your sister
by Sussybaka07 October 13, 2021
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what is yelled when two or more people say the exact same thing, think the exact same thing, or do the exact same thing at the same time.
Joe: "hey that car over there looks like a shroom"
shannon: "OMG i was thinking that exact same thing! BRAIN BOND!"
by shanntaban December 17, 2011
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