(no not the woman that gave birth to you) the person in a friend group that always provides the unwanted good advice.
billy: hey lets go jump off that bridge
joe: i don't think that's a very good idea we might die
billy: Okay MOM
by SISTAR April 4, 2011
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Beyoncé is such an inspiration, she is my mom.
by Cunt707 March 16, 2015
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The most beautiful loving person in the world. She will do anything for her kids and will never give up no matter the circumstances. A mom is stronger then anyone else. She'll tough it out and be there through thick and thin. She's the best person in a childs life. Sometimes you'll get in a fight with her, but she'll always forgive you. She is the true definition of beauty.
by thrscarybearunderyourbed April 11, 2015
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The foreman of your first residence, the baby factory.
878 Fallopian Lane
Uterus, MOM 12345
by Wesley M. Williams February 10, 2005
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mom: do you think im made of money?
kid: isn't that what mom stands for?
by mee53197(: February 21, 2011
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a common joke that teenagers use when they are too lame to come up with any other comeback.
man 1: Dude! you're so lame!

man 2: you're mom is lame.
by dictionarylady September 3, 2008
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Woman who is convinced she is always right, never makes mistakes, nothing is her fault, and that you're never good enough.

She likes to chew food loudly, drink gin and tonics, and then chew on the ice.

She enjoys yelling and pointing out things you do wrong.

She hates everyone and everyone hates her, and she likes to point that out while lying on her bed while complaining that you don't do enough.

She is the soul cause of your depression, the concusion you suffered when you were 10, and your obsession and anxiety problems.

You love her.
"Hey Mom can I have a few dollars to buy pens that I need for school."

"No, I don't have any money...Oh look, my custom Neiman Marcus suit came in the mail."
by leftsuburbia August 5, 2005
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