-Not just that you're fucked but that you're fucked AND it's still getting worse.

-Your life is in the shitter already and now some asshole is about to give you a spin & flush at least twice.

-Not only is your POS boat dead in the water but it's sinking as well
Guy1: well shit life sucks... My wife is cheating on me
Guy2: Umm dude, what's that letter from the health department?
Guy1: Fuck, I guess I'm just tits up and taking on water, she gave an STD too.
Guy2: Well, it could be worse.

Guy1: How's that?
Guy2: At least I haven't caught it from her yet.
by romaddeez March 4, 2010
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To have the courage and will to overcome a lack of motivation.
To become motivated.
"I don't feel like drinking beer tonight."
Man, Bobby, Tape those tits up, grow a sack, and drink a beer.
by Donny mallox August 16, 2017
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1. something that has failed spectacularly, in a way that could not be predicted (it went tits up) can also be used in this case)
2. something that has broken slightly
Friend 1 - thought you were going out tonight
friend 2 - its gone tits up went tits up, friend 3 was sick and friend 4 had car issues
friend 1 - that went properly tits up then
by TalikTheVampire March 13, 2023
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The female equivalent of “Grow a pair”. First seen in the movie Bad Moms.
Get your tits up and do something about it
by Bdh1113 January 12, 2021
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Fight for your cause. Gendered for females
Get your tits up and fight gor equal rights.
by Bdh1113 January 12, 2021
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The female equivalent of “Grow a pair”. First seen in the movie Bad Moms.
Get your tits up and do something about it
by Bdh1113 January 12, 2021
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