A bit like Netflix and Chill but dirtier and watching Amazon Prime instead
Daquan: Yo Shanequa im on a budget so how about Amazon Prime and Kinky Time instead ?

Shanequa: Of course Daquan that sound great
by KinkyChicken69 January 25, 2016
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Girl: Netflix and chill?
Boy: I have something better
Girl: what?
Boy: Amazon Prime and sexy time
Girl: *takes her clothes off*
by RuleZzY February 7, 2016
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A new yet untested piece of technology that's currently not ready to replace anything related to the industrial revolution and therefore not ready for mass consumption.
Ev's are not ready for prime time and won't be for another 2 or 3 decades.
by Sexydimma July 20, 2022
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Person who performs in the clutch with all the Pressure.

Named by Dicky V.
Dick Vitale says "Kobe Bryant is a Prime Time Performer baby, hes the real deal."
by Big Bs Too Godly April 10, 2009
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A girl who plays sports for her whole life and earns that name from a black man.
by YOUNG_LYNX13 August 6, 2019
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