Obese. Chronically fat. Over weight. Inflammation of the fat cells. Persistent obesity.
I’m not fat, I have Obesitis
by Callidoodle October 6, 2019
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80% of America

Europe chicks are HOT. American chicks are obese and 10feet large and the earth shakes when they walk..
by Stf_bim May 17, 2007
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a thing when men have their periods but it is blue and look like they just came out of an avatar or it means you need to lose some weight and get jacked you fat old bitch
by child hood obesity August 20, 2019
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Very overweight. Large, huge, takes up a lot of space. A big guy like myself. Ingested too many calories along with a thyroid problem and now im obese.
Dont make fun of the obese. Its a serious glandular condition.
by Mr. Vitale December 6, 2007
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When you can't see your penis without bending over.

(Not to be confused with "teeny weenie": when your wife can't see your penis without bending over.)
George, you've become obese; I hope you start to appreciate what I've been putting up with for all these years.
by andrewgggg January 2, 2011
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when a person likes to make sweet love to an obese person.
bill-"hey jude, did you know steve likes obeseality!"

jude-"dude! thats nastey!"
by f*ckin henri! November 6, 2009
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