Something is legitimate. That something is respectable. Statements made by Robert at Texas Tech.

See I respect that
by Robert April 24, 2005
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1. A word used to describe something which is legal, or law abiding.
2. A word used to describe a thing/event using emphasis.
1. Nigel: That shit's legit!

2. Nigel: Hey man, we just owned in pictionary.
Robert: Yeah man, that was so legit!
by shits_legit December 24, 2009
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Legit is a saying where it is amazing it’s a made up word by a couple teenagers in the 1990
Person 1 dude that’s legit man
Person2 totally rad dude right

Both 1,2 😝😝
by Kari😎😎 August 25, 2018
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Something cool. real. legit. something real.
Jorge of the jungle: Hey! Bob! that party was Legit bro!!

Bob: yeh,it was lit bruh

Jorge of the jungle: brah.

Bob: bruh.

Jorge of the jungle: brah.

Bob: bruh.

Jorge of the jungle: brah. yeah.

Bob: yeh.

Jorge of the jungle: yeah.

Bob: yeh.

Jorge of the jungle: yeah.

Bob : yes.

Jorge of the jungle: bye.

Bob: bye.
by CairaDEEd February 12, 2017
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When something is as cool as a super saiyan wizard.
James: I shave in the shower.

Malori: do you have like, a mirror in the shower?

James: Nope. I'm a friggin' wizard.


thats pretty legit

a -super saiyan- wizard
by Lucaloo October 10, 2012
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A word made from legitimate shortened by kids because they think they are "cool" saying legit.

Legitimate really means, according to law, lawful, or/and legal.
It does not mean cool, tight, or amazing.
1) wow those shoes are so legit! can i borrow them sometime?
2) maybe i would let you borrow them if you stop saying legit, you sound stupid.
by yalllknowme February 20, 2010
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Can be used as a question in asking whether that statement was "for real" or "accurate"
Friend: YO Lady Gaga has a penis!
Friend: haha just kidding!
by ridhard December 1, 2010
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