A turd hurdle is something that is bad or of annoyance that needs be gotten over.
If one's girlfriend is always nagging about the time her boyfriends slipped another girl his whisker biscuit, she should be told to get over her turd hurdle. Cuz some shit, you just gotta get over.
by riccroccman July 3, 2014
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When a she-male gives a tony danza to another person
Lady Gaga always gives rusty hurdles when she has sex.
by Teddy Geisel June 14, 2011
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The slight hop that occurs while on the toilet, aware of the splash your next turd will produce to avoid a wet ass
Guy 1: Dude i had a major dump coming so i stretched out my legs, ready to do some turd hurdling.

Guy 2: Dude im a state champ turd hurdler, never got a drop of water on my ass!
by Captain Neck February 5, 2015
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When a man is having sex with a woman from behind and, while about to ejaculate, sees the tip of a stool (the turtle) poking from her anus. He quickly pulls out and launches his semen over the poop onto her back (the hurdle).
I was banging my woman from behind and was about to nut when she started to shit herself. I quickly pulled out and did a Turtle Hurdle onto her Tramp Stamp. That shit was nasty but a guy’s gotta blow sometimes.
by JayAddy September 25, 2023
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Is a new event in the Redneck Olympics, where u line up hogs, and the participant (redneck) sprints and jumps over the pigs to win.
yo richard lets practice some pig hurdling for the next race.
by ihugyftdt February 18, 2011
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A Sniz Hurdle is where you sniff your nose and make that loud, annoying grunting sound.
I walked passed John's room, and I herd him do this horrible Sniz Hurdle
by StixCGS September 22, 2017
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The act of jumping a fence while running from the police.
Jerome had to run the urban hurdles to elude the police last night.
by R_Shoots August 15, 2012
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