A discordian is someone who has no life and is on discord 24/7 and doesn't touch grass and knows nothing besides discord
by No lifexxx December 9, 2021
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A Discordian is somebody that spents their time stuck in Discord, and they take Discord too serious because they discarded they social life and they can not live happy without Discord

randomdude124: -posts a meme in general-

Discordiandude: Hey, delete that before the mods see you.

randomdude124 response: no lol why

Discordiandude: Because against the rules.

randomdude124: i dont give a shit about the rules, go touch grass
by thatgamingguy123 May 27, 2022
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The collection of users on the app known as Discord.

Can also be used as discordian, or discords.
What is with discordians and hacking each other???
lol average discordian behavior
by vamprabbit May 13, 2022
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A person obsessed with discord at all times of the day no matter what they got going on. Discord overtakes their basic function of life and nerfs their primal senses.
"omg have u seen how joybandz has been acting recently?" "I know! hes been acting like a real discordian lately!"
by joys nightmare September 21, 2023
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A Caucasian person who spends their entire like on discord, with their online girlfriend. A discordian uses the words, "L", "Cringe", "Fuck Me Daddy", "Come here Sexy" ect. Don't Be A Discordian You horny girls / guys.
Discordian - Wanna date me daddy
by local6 September 30, 2021
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A retarded Caucasian who uses the application called ripcord. A Discordian also has an online "Girlfriend" and also uses the words "L", "Cry About It" and "Didn't Ask / Don't Care" in a sentence
Discordian - "L, you cringe ass kid" "Didn't Ask"
by local6 September 30, 2021
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It's like the word 'American' but used for anything that has an origin coming from the social media platform Discord or someone who spends a lot of time on said platform, gaining them the title of a Discordian, like how someone who lives in America is called American. Discordians are a wild bunch of people, all of them ranging different personality traits but you're likely to find that they're usually gamer of some sort.
Person A: Hey have you found any cool people yet?
Person B: Yeah. There's this one really hot guy who's a Discordian
Person A: Oh my god!! What a catch~
by Hypotension October 11, 2020
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