Used as an insult to idiots or people who stand up for a specific idiot.
p1 stands up for somebody spamming

p1: this dude is totally not spamming.
p2: you dense cabbage-
by icyte June 3, 2019
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A person who is exceptionally stupid. i.e. a person lacks the capacity to understand something simple.
Gordon: You forgot the salt! You dense fuck.
by Scinterplex November 30, 2016
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Breasts with more supportive tissue (dense breast tissue) are firmer and harder to the touch than are breasts with more fatty tissue (nondense breast tissue). A good balance results in soft, supple, yet firm and perky breasts.

Cancer is harder to detect and more likely to occur in dense breasts.

Sounds weird when used to compliment nice breasts unless referring to perkiness because that would otherwise indicate a hard breast, similar to some augmented breasts.

I think you meant perky, not dense breasts when you complimented his/her breasts.
by Pap¡ October 4, 2016
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What you call someone after you correct them
"5 + 5 is like 8 or something so-"
"5 + 5 is 10 you dense cabbage!"
by Dinfindandong March 4, 2022
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A turd so dense it sinks and disappears into the toilet.
I just took a dense dump; didn't even have to flush.
by Captain Shatton Spatapon December 3, 2013
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