Lover for all the girls in the school and very flirty. Some times he is an ashore and a beach but a very good friend. A ditsy guy and stupid but also very smart high honoroll
Baylor is stupid and has a big dick
by Dad never came back with the m December 12, 2022
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Where Christian fundamentalists go to law school to learn how to deprive rights, persecute others, coerce contracts, file frivolous suits, impose harsh sentences, and scam the courts in the name of so-called "religious freedom" in secret boot camps that other law students don't know about.
Jew:" He's actually arguing that he his religious freedom gives him the right to harass and kill Jews and gays!"

Gay: Oh my, he must have gone to Baylor Law School. God speed!

The Baylor Law School prosecutor said "sign here and confess, right now, or else they're gonna impose serious consequences and add another charge. You don't want that do you? Sign here."

The Baylor Law School Judge's ruling was: "Because the defendant was smoking a fag in a school zone, we're imposing the maximum sentence of 20 years to send a clear message to the public that "smoking fags" on school premises is a serious offense."

I wish I could get into Baylor Law School.
by Joey2dope May 25, 2023
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a pose girls who go to baylor do to look skinny and thicc
wow did you see her post she was doing a baylor girl pose but is way to skinny for it to work.
by savvy ham November 17, 2019
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Charming, funny, charismatic, quality built, socially toned lion of the business world. A best friend a man can have. If you give him 100 dollars, he’ll turn it into 200,000 dollars and give it to your future kids. If you meet him, congratulations.
I once thought I knew love, but then I met Baylor Franklin.
by Sonderson67 March 26, 2021
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