The comeback for when somebody says ur mom gay lol. This will counter them and end their useless life.
Some gay bloke: “Oi, ur mom gay lol
Me: ur dad lesbian lol”

Some gay bloke: *dies*
by ur clapped March 9, 2018
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Two insult that are so damaging that it can end your career and kill a man
Person 1:I can never be offended
Person 2:ur mom gay ur dad lesbian
Person 1: dies
by Unnamed personally April 12, 2019
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The is the worst insult know in existance. If anyone is heard saying it then their mum is ouctuple gay.
Paul: ur mum gay

Steve: no u

Paul: ur dad's a lesbian

Steve: ur mum and dad are lesbian togeather
Steve: (in shock he commits suicide)
Paul: (his mum is ouctuple gay)
by Sondog123 March 11, 2018
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