Sad sleepy teen who does no work and plays video games all the time, is also socially awkward and annoying
OMFG that boy Tristan
by BlackBear6969 March 26, 2018
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None:a very very attractive guy who is very honest, sweet, and makes the most funniest jokes, also known as Tristasaurus the epic dinosaur who is spazzy, and is really nice to everyone who is nice to him, he also was the bravest knight out of King Arthur's round table.
Man, that guy Tristan is such an awesome guy.
by clairebear626 August 20, 2011
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Can be a male or female name. When it comes to females being named Tristan, they are usually badass, these girls take no shit, they are brave, hilarious, beautiful & kind hearted.
When it comes to males, they are shy but when you get to know them, they loosen up & will keep you laughing forever!
Friend1: "Hey, you know that girl Tristan?!"
Friend2: "Oh my GOD, shes hilarious!"
Friend 3: "What about that one guy, Tristan?"
Friend1: "The exact same!"
by imakeitreign October 11, 2011
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An attractive name that is European. It is concidered a masculen name and a name that was use in middle ages, dark ages, and european stories like King Author and The Round Table.
Tristan was one of King Author's knights and fought with him in deep heated battles.
by bbcUK March 14, 2009
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Tristan, although not consistently, is one of the coolest, smartest, badass too ever live. Even though he’s not in shape, he’ll outrun you on STILTS! Tristan has had sex with all the girls you could imagine, and respects them too. He’s so rich he has 7 badminton courts and 6 computers. In conclusion, Tristan is way cooler than you.
“Hey Tristan?”
“You’re a sexy beast!”

“Oh my god my boyfriends so hot!”
“Yeah he’s a Tristan”
by gabethediabetic January 9, 2018
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Most awesome person to ever exist
and extremely handsome
but looks like waldo
Hi Tristan
by defnotjonah December 9, 2022
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