One of the worst videogames ever made for the NES.
For 8-Bit, there could've been a lot more storyline.
The graphics are decent, but the gameplay is atrocious. You walk around and do nothing. DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME!
Kid from the 2000s: What do you think of "E.T."
Kid from the 90s: An excellent movie, but the NES game " E.T. The Videogame"
took part of my childhood away....
by @1@$ February 7, 2011
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A vehicle-driver, generally a younger person, who apparently thinks that they can drive because they have grown up playing far too many driving or race-car videogames. Generally, the person swerves and zigzags in and out of traffic without use of turn-signals or any courtesy or concern for safety, cutting away any stopping-distance between the affected vehicles, or drives to endanger as though "game over" simply means hitting the "Play Again" button.
That videogame driver jerk just zoomed up behind me, swerved around and cut me off without warning, then swerved their way through another dozen cars like it's some sort of racing-game. Jerk-- apparently can't see that no one can go any faster!
by Buggy June 16, 2008
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Gun spamming is a phrase that originated in the early 2000's as the game first person shooter action genre really came alive with such titles as Timesplitters, Halo and Call of duty: big red one and the revolution of email and therefore easier internet spamming. It describes the act of being shot at repeatedly with the same gun until being killed or vice versa at an opponent. AI spamming is similar. It is when a group of Artificial Intelligence simulated enemy's, also known as bots or computer controlled characters, crowds a player making it impossible for him to move and killing him via melee or firing repeatedly depleting his health until dead. This situation often occurs with zombies. Another describes a similar situation where a group of enemy's converse in one spot trying to kill each other and a player seizes the opportunity and gun spam's them until dead raising his score significantly. None of these terms are used in modern day shooters due to technology evolving and as such spam is not used as much. Modern day shooters also have no or small health bars due to the increase in realism. These increases also mean that a quick 3 shot burst is all people can fire without recoil ruining aim completely and developers, taking this into account, have chosen to make this all that's needed most of the time to down a foe.
Person 1: Dude I totally rocked Timesplitters 2 on this frantic elimination match last night. It was a videogame spam fest man! I was down about 15 lives because I kept getting spammed with the soviet rifle and AI kept spamming me down tight corridors. So I stayed in open areas until they started spamming each other like crazy and I was blowing 'em down 2 at a time! No joke!

Person 2: DUDE SWEET!

Person 3: Hey guys what you talking about?

Person 2: Oh nothing much hey you done that maths homework?

Person 3: Nah lol who has? See you later yeah?

Person 2: Yeah sure

Person 1: That seemed pretty cold of you. What's the deal with you and him?

Person 2: Nothing really. He's just a complete tool. Plus he plays modern warfare 2 online all the time so he wouldn't get spamming.

Person 3: Oh he's one of those people? Fuck sake. People these days have no idea what makes a good game anymore.

Person 2: Nuff said. *hi5's person 3*
by coit105 September 9, 2010
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Stupid videogame faggots that constantly send in definitions of stupid videogame stuff that no one understands and no one gives a flying fuck about.
I hate those videogame assholes that suck dick for a living and have never touched a non-plastic pussy because they waste their lives playing videogames and trying to send in videogame definitions to urban dictionary.
by Kyle J. P. June 2, 2006
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An amazing piece of work that's has a few minor issues but that's ok because its 8 years old and still holds up. By the way its way better than Lego batman- more like Lego justice league 3.
Bro1: hey bro Whana play Lego batman The VideoGame
Bro2: Sure bro im gonna go get my ps3/xbox360.
Bro1: alright bro.
Bro2; Alright bro im back.
Bro1: cool bro.
Plugs in consle
Bro1: This is Gonna Be so Cool bro.
Bro2: yeah bro.
Game: NO
Bro:1&2 That was so fun bro yeah bro :(.
by Legobatman2139 September 28, 2020
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That's what Trump said. Don't believe him. Pray for Minecraft.
"Videogames Cause Violence!"

Creeper, Aww man!
by 1.800.sofia August 21, 2019
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Having been told something while playing videogames then forgetting what it was when you are done.
Mom:"Did you put the clean clothes in the dryer like I asked?"
Son:"Sorry Mom, I had post videogame amnesia and I forgot"
by Warrior Will July 19, 2012
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