Left over period mixed with creampie.
After Sexy time explosion inside with remnants of period blood, the Australian Tartar Sauce shall drip.
by Senior Grosso December 22, 2008
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When one mixes ones fecal matter with cum. You then use it as dipping sauce for a friend's sea food.
Hey Cyle, how is your San Francisco Tartar Sauce?
by D-NOB January 19, 2010
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the term often used by a smoker to describe the terrible condition of their lungs after years of heavy smoking.
Working out is hard with my tartar lung

After this party, Im going to wake up with a terrible tartar lung.
by sunnygirl4812 July 1, 2011
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Took Becky home last night, gave her the good oltartare
by Bob-Diggity February 14, 2019
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a sauce that compliment seafood nicely, pronounced Tar - Tare. similiar to Car Care except change the letter C to T
That Tartare sauce is damn nice fool
by christow September 2, 2017
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When a girl is taped from her boobs from the ceiling by her partnerKink

When a girl has saggy tits so much it makes you puke when you look at them.
Boy 1: Dude, she's only sixteen.. How does she have tartar titties?!
Boy 2: I have no fucking clue dude.. No clue..
by KyLiE cloli August 23, 2019
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