A relaxing end to a hard week/extreme weekend, a good time to relax with mates and enjoy a film (preferably "B" grade) and reminisce on the week.
Matt: "hey man, dont forget Sunday Night Movie Night, i have this fully sick "B" grade movie about slaying vampires"

Nash: "mate i wouldn't miss it for the world, i cant wait to see those suckers get steaked"

Matt: "alright Bro see you there, i have some sweet goss as well"
by Matt Prestage, Nash Pengilly January 21, 2011
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Uncontrollable fits of laughter and sporadic giggling after a long weekend of "tom-fooleries" and little sleep. Victim will usually be hyper-sensitive to touch causing ticklish sensation.
Last night Jasmine and I had a terrible bout of the Sunday night giggles
by Spiderman73 September 22, 2009
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Students' Sunday Night Syndrome is one of a student's most common anxieties. It's the feeling when you are sure you have no homework, but you are suspicious that you missed something or forgot an assignment. You feel free, but also a nagging anxiety that you're going to have to stay up late on the Sunday Night and work on it when you remember.

Students' Sunday Night Syndrome is often one of the symptoms of hardcore procrastinators.

Most of us with Sunday Night Syndrome react with sleeplessness or we just don't give a fuck and prepare for Monday Morning Homeroom Syndrome.
A: Yo man, why are you up so late
B: I have Students' Sunday Night Syndrome..I feel like I forgot an assignment
by boncuicui December 5, 2011
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Every Sunday evening on TLC they have shows about tree man or the woman with giant legs.
Me: "Did you hear about the 40 year old stuck in a 10 year olds body?"
You: "Yeah, it was on the Sunday Night Freak Show."
by BixiBite January 25, 2011
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You are in your bed, it’s the last day of vacation before you go back to school... when you suddenly remember that you didn’t do your homework and you’re fucking screwed. That heart attack is the « holly shit Sunday night ». As you panick, you try to think about when and where you could, in less than one morning, finish all the homework that was given to you for the holidays.
by Xx_LandoCalrissian_xX January 2, 2018
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The act of posting an angsty status or picture to Facebook complaining about the impending Monday. If you're lucky, you'll scroll past about five to ten of these.
Aw man, Sunday already? This seems like I can get away with a few likes by posting a Sunday Night Angst status.
by Peabrain December 2, 2012
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