Someone you have to watch out for. Unpredictable. People named Ronnie tend to be prone to random outbursts, obnoxious singing (with the wrong lyrics), stealing people's shampoo, popping wheelies in a kayak, and in general making no sense. But he's funny as mess.
Dude: "Yeah, I'd love to hang out but my cousin Ronnie's coming to town, I'm gon' hafta hide my shampoo and everything"
by The Last Slackbender November 18, 2010
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Irish slang for a moustache, usually on an immature boy, or on a girl (even worse!!)
"nice ronnie" / "the ronnie on yer wan (that girl)"
by Alcatraz June 21, 2006
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This shit is total fucking Ronnie! I need dat money back!
by Big Daddy L0ng Stroke August 3, 2016
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This name has been commonly associated with the best features a man can have: Good looks, Great personality, Being extremely clever and of course having a humongous cock.
Wow you are so lucky to be with Ronnie!
That Ronnie is a cracking bloke!
Man I wish I could be like Ronnie!
by TheRealDrizzy November 22, 2021
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The one who will steal your heart when you least expect it. He pays attention to everything, and every detail. His heart is big, but he is very careful that his kindness is not taken for granted. Extremely loyal to a fault, especially to his family and loved ones. If he really loves you, he will do it with all of himself. Always the cleanest and classiest wherever he's at. Wise; listen to him because he knows what's up. Loves music and LOVES a great time. Stays to himself. Stays drama free as much as possible. You will regret it if you do him wrong because he has a genuine heart. A real ass man.
I love Ronnie, he is one of a kind.
by Wordster81 February 18, 2022
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a ronny is a fkg hottie with a body. a bodacious manly man who is amazing in bed. usually compatiable most with chicas who can suck some dick. and with people with the name melissa, or mel :)
that sexy boy over there is totallllly close to a ronny.
by mel23 January 10, 2010
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