To send a short message, expecting a yes/no response. Originally from submarines, where a ping sound was emitted to listen for echoes from other vessels.
Since you're so busy this week, I'll ping you again next week about meeting for lunch.
by norstadt July 22, 2006
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When the pressure placed on a button is just before the breaking point. If there is a thread failure, when the button comes off, the noise it makes is similar to a ricochet of a bullet.... PING!. Usually found on pants that are WAY too tight, or well endowed women (usually followed or proceeded by Eee-Rrr if it is on a tight shirt.
Worker #1: Wow, check it out!!! Eee-Rrr, Eee-Rrr. PING!.
Worker #2: Tell me about it. Better get the safety glasses on in case that top botton comes loose.
Worker #1: Fuck that, get the body armor out!!!!
by Frainslug February 28, 2006
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Short term for "pings my gaydar." Means that you suspect someone to be gay. Often used by lesbians when discussing who may or may not play for their team.
"Everyone insists that Julie is straight but she pings like crazy and she never has a boyfriend. I'm gonna go flirt with her and see how she reacts."
by Alex834827372 January 23, 2012
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