Bruno walks into the store and gets shot.
by GGXGANG April 8, 2018
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When you go out with a friend and in order for your friend to get the hot girl you have to take the ugly one.
From the Bruno Mars song ''I'd catch a grenade for ya''
People by the name Sam usually do this.
Dude last night I did the biggest Bruno for you. That bitch was fat and ugly. She looked like a dropped meat pie.
by MERT July 1, 2012
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Did you see that guy freak out over nothing
Yeah, his name is Bruno
by nochillnames April 7, 2016
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The act between two homosexual men where one rapidly plunges the ass of the other.
I’am so going to bruno you tonight..
by Infamous12345 July 9, 2018
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a dick loving steroid using fag, has a little dick due to steroids cant pull any hoes cant lift weights and looks like a thumb from spy kids
by stevethe guy December 8, 2016
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