A word the host of YTV or some other tv channel told viewers to use instead of some other expression. I think it was "what's up."
by Sarah April 7, 2003
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Phrase coined by a crazed UFO occult nutjob to describe the act of possession of the body by an alien entity, like that is even a real thing.

Something about quantum environment scanning and entanglement. seriously, this guy must be hopped up on goof balls.
The alien appeared in the hallway then all of the sudden MURP BLURP and it had me under its control.
by UFON November 1, 2023
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Anaïs Juana Aniseta Macarena Chavelas word
by aniseta😽 June 29, 2020
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The word to say when you want to seem weird or need something to say for no reason.
*awkward silence*

"Hey Ashlynn, what are you doi-..."
by Ashlynn Rosetta January 16, 2017
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When a woman burps and it sounds "like a man"!
My wife downed a beer and let out a huge MURP!!
by Reddrg01 January 9, 2019
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A burp with a mask on.

To expel gas from the stomach through the mouth against a mask and back through your own nostrils.
I just murped up my lunch and it almost made me muke.
by DabeedBanderas April 27, 2021
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