Something people lack
Not something you have if you are looking here for the definition
He decided that logic dictates he used Wikipedia instead
by Washy February 17, 2015
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1: A term used when someone agrees with or points out the simplicity of something even though it may or may not make sense.

2: Something you add to make the crap u just spewed sound more believable.
"Dude did u buy your frigging degree, everyone knows that people come from monkeys, its logics"

"I don't know what that guy on cnn just said but it sounds fancy, it must be logics."

Guy1: Dude never answer the phone on the first ring.
Guy2: Why?
Guy3 Cause its logics, ya tard.
Guy2: You make a convincing point
by coolism101 April 19, 2010
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Something that the general population of good ole 'murica lacks.
85% of americans believe in an all-knowing invisible man in the sky. logic ftw.
by AkiraKurosawa September 3, 2011
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Person 1:do you like logic
Person 2: no
Person 1: then you don’t have a taste in music
by dumb waves May 23, 2019
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1. The governing force by which the universe is supposed to operate, but doesn't really.

Non-operation is defined in the sense of a computer program having an error in its programming. Sense life has not crashed, we are forced to conclude that the universe operates.

An extremely logical person will attempt to relate every event, emotion, and idea into a universal truth and will probably devote the entirety of their life to this endeavor, possibly to the point of obsession. When they fail utterly they can only say that they did the most logical thing possible.

2. An excuse to ignore the emotions, logic, ability, or worth of others in order to do whatever the hell one wants.
Boy: Why do you say that?
Girl: Monkeys are invading the world.
Boy: Where?
Girl: Everywhere.
The boy looks around the room.
Boy: But I do not see any monkeys. If monkeys are invading the world everywhere then they should be here as well. Therefore I am forced to conclude that your statement is false unless you have some other information to show me otherwise.
Girl: Stop being so damn logical! It was a freaking joke, you damn bastard! I HATE YOU! #@$&%#&@$&%#@$&!!!
by Dr. Batido November 25, 2005
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The act or process of logic.

If something logical is in the process of happening, Logicing is the appropriate word to use
by TheMagmaKing March 31, 2023
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The art of using logic to define something
I just logiced the logic outta that.
by Trye01 February 23, 2019
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