Kavanaugh (noun) to get a woman blackout drunk by spiking her drink with grain alcohol or other alcoholic means and then sexually assaulting her in her drunken state. (Not to be confused with the Bill Cosby which uses drugs to accomplish the same result.)
"Hey man, we're gonna Kavanaugh Brenda tonight at the party. She's a pretty one!"

Kavanaughed (verb)

"He Kavanaughed her good -- she was completely naked and passed out."

The Full Kavanaugh (noun)
After a woman has been Kavanaughed, a train of men line up to take their turn sexually assaulting the woman.
by Prep School Boy September 29, 2018
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The act of liking beer a lot, drinking beer a lot, then sexually assaulting a women because you work out and drink beer a lot, You then get away for years because it wasn't in your calendar to remember.
by SaintRaremaster October 3, 2018
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(Verb): To touch someone unexpectedly and undesirably, with sexual intent, while intoxicated.
Last night, at the bar, a man tried to grab me by the shoulder to ask if he could buy me a drink and his friend was like "Nah dude, you can't just kavanaugh her like that".
by kss4777 October 8, 2018
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An oddly overly combative and emotional response which includes drastic swings between anger and crying.
I just asked Brett If he’d ever had a memory lapse while drinking and he let loose with a Kavanaugh.
by Cheesler October 1, 2018
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To bond with another male over sexually assaulting a girl, usually while intoxicated, and then slut shame her for it. Often done by wealthy young men being groomed for power.
Don’t worry, bruh, you can totally Kavanaugh a girl and still get nominated to the Supreme Court of the United States!
by Jane Awesome October 1, 2018
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Harassing and been agreesive to a woman in a bar while drunk and slurring your words.
Last night at the bar a man tried to grab me by the shoulder to ask me if he could buy me a drink and his friend was like “nah dude you can’t just KAVANAUGH her like that.”
by Don Quijote October 5, 2018
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Noun. Someone who harasses or otherwise interacts with someone in an unwanted way, usually in a sexual manner.
"This drunk rando put his hand on my back at the the bar and had to turn and 'Back the fuck off, Kavanaugh.'"

"These fucking Kavanaughs...who do they think they are?"
by rivervine October 2, 2018
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