1. Referring to something that is hilarious.
2. A person who commits an act of being an asshole.
1. Dude, that fucker was so fuckin' funny!
2. Man, stop being a fucker...
by Ashley.... December 11, 2003
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1. A little bastard who pisses you off.
2. Used when someone hits/insults you, etc.
3. A widely used insult.
4. A swear widely used when you're getting PWN'd by a computer game.
Person two: Hah, dude you just got PWN'd.
by Kei Hikaru March 19, 2006
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one who annoys
u fukin fucker, stop fuckin annoyin me, u mother fucker
by Gina August 15, 2003
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a lot of people that post definitons on this site.
see also: haters, posers, assholes.
hey, i don't like this certain band/ store/race/religion! lemmee go be a fucker and dis it on urbandictionary.com!
by udontknowme October 30, 2003
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