When everyone on the planet turbo blasts their peepii simultaneously and rips a hole in space-time.
All male beings have unloaded their child-matter at once. We have entered The Fuckenning.
by Brownus February 8, 2021
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(v.) To render something/someone fucked. The alternative "to fuck", as in, "I'm going to fuck this person" is easily confused as being a sexual reference, whereas "I'm going to fucken this person" is easier to understand as it can only have one meaning.
"I have thoroughly fuckened this meat. Now let's make some burgers."
by F.Z. April 25, 2010
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To get or be fucked in a non-sexual way, but especially by something that is completely out of a person's control
"Man, I really had the fuckens put on me there bro!"

"Damn, that judge really slapped the fuckens on me..."
by {KAI}Cannon May 4, 2006
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All those damn hippie fuckens smell like patchouli oil and b.o.
by Pat M. Ass October 23, 2017
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The reckoning of all of the fuckery in one's life in order to forward. Psychologists also refer to this as "integration" - the positive experience of psychological maturity.
Holy shit, it's the fuckening. I hated XXXX and was incapable of XXXX because it is directly related to this singular event and the negative way that event made me feel. By removing the negative associations to that event, I can now experience XXXX in a new and positive way.
by Music Club January 17, 2019
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That one thing you and your co-workers/friends know about but you had a brain fart and forgot what its called.
Hey Bill where is the fucken thing we used yesterday.
by Hitmanwill2018 November 9, 2019
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When your cat(s) start tearing the house apart at 3 AM running around like they're possessed
When you hear the sound of your cat full speed sprinting and objects breaking late at night, you know the fuckening has commenced.
by The_Cat_Wrangler June 17, 2019
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