something people say when they have nothing to say or they just hate u...
someone : U GET NO BITCHES
someone else : Did i ask??????????
by June 15, 2022
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When you're in a fight you will use this phase when your enemy says something. In my opinion this comeback is really dumb since everyone can speak without you asking.
Janet: I think it's pretty rude...
Dawn: I agree with Janet
Lilly: Did I ask?
Dawn: When did I need you to ask? :)
by someone in this world :) August 27, 2021
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Mia: I got the PS5
Hector: DiD i AsK
Mia: No but you took the time to respond 😗✌🏽

Valerie: I got a bf
Hector: DiD i AsK
Valerie: No but you’re just jealous you can’t get into one relationship🙄🤚🏽
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Used when someone brings up something irrelevant or not wanted in a conversation. It is used in two parts, (when) which is used when some tells you something irrelevant, then when they continue you say did i ask? It usually confuses people first time hearing it but that's the point.
Example of When did I ask?

Matt: Oi Ruben what did you go on the weekend
Ruben: Nothing much just played a bit of overwatch and watched Naruto

*Chris walks in and buts in
Chris: Oi I won a couple games of fortnite

Matt: When
Chris: On Saturday
Matt: Did I ask
by Eshays4life April 18, 2018
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The peak of retardation. The ultimate thing said, when you just want to be a complete cunt to everyone anywhere. Specifically used by 9 year olds, or people who sound 9. If you use this, do the world a favour, and never speak again.
"When did I ask"
by PeakofEvolution May 26, 2020
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The thing dickheads use to completely shut down a conversation they don’t really care about. Starts by saying ‘when’ then the person be confused, and you continue by saying ‘when did I ask?’. This will achieve hatred pure hatred from the person you say it to.
Lachie: oi Damo, I scored with your chick last night
Damo: when?
Lachie: what?
Damo: WHen dID I AsK?!
by That-one-guy-you-hate March 12, 2020
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