A Syrian princess who's extremely cute. A girl who you want to stand up for and protect because she seems so innocent that she should never be accused of anything. Has a good heart and doesn't care about your origins even if they're different from Dana's. A total babe.
Dana is babe.
by Yung555 September 7, 2017
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The most amazing drop dead gorgeous girl in the world that nobody can have becuase Peter has dibs
Person 1: Dude shes hot im ask her out
Person 2: Bro thats Dana you cant do that Peter has Dibs
by Straight facts . March 26, 2018
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Dana is a name for the sexiest, smartest, most gorgeous, amazing, and beautiful girls in the world. These girls are the sweetest and have the best personality, are absolutely stunning, and are the best at sex, and amazing kissers—just don't piss them off. Every guy should marry a Dana. Every guy WANTS to get with a Dana but can't always afford to. Danas are high maintenance and love luxurious stuff, but when they decide to give someone their love materialistic stuff don't matter, they are by far the best. Danas usually are busty and have beautiful curves. Basically, you are lucky as hell to even get close to having a Dana
Guy; whos that girl over there?

Friend; Idk dude shes fucking gorgeous..

Guy; you're right she must be Dana!!
by MikeyMike69 March 15, 2017
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The Most amazing and wonderful person on earth! Shes so talented but doesn't know it. She beautiful in every way possible! And of cores to be so talented, amazing, and beautiful, you must be Asian. Dana can't compare to anyone. She always over accheives, and everyone is all ways jealous! Who knows how its possible! The only thing wrong with Dana is that she doesn't see any of this stuff in her self. Because she truly is amazing.
Person 1: You know that Dana girl?

Person 2: You mean that girl who is super pretty, an amazing singer, Always gets A's? She's in Honors, so she must be super smart. She over acheives at everything! Shes a cute little Asian right? Oh and Shes always saying how horrible she is, but everyone tries to convince her otherwise because its not true? She's loved by just about everyone! And everyone wants to be her friend! She claims that she "Loves everyone more" But that Addie Chick loves her more than anyone, even that Lexi girl, and Jade, and that Lauren chick? That Dana right?

Person 2:... yea that Dana! Well, Guess who just Asked her out?????????????
by anonymous11264596 February 19, 2011
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A beautiful, loving girl. She plays hockey and likes music by artists like lights. She can keep her fag boyfriend for over 4 months now and still shows him how much she loves him and how lucky he is to have her. She is loved by many people, especially her boyfriend. She cares more about others, rather than only caring about herself. She has beautiful eyes and a gorgeous smile. Overall she is probably the most amazing person in the entire world.
Josh: I love Dana, she is so perfect.
by nigglet_91 September 4, 2010
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Someone named Dana is typically really tall or big. They crack up at everything, even if it’s not funny. They don’t care what people think at all and don’t get embarrassed. They love staying up late and wearing oversized sweatshirts. They love becoming good friends with boys without dating them. They try to do something really creative and end up being too lazy, but they’ll go above and beyond for people they care about.
Dana: *cracks up at a pencil falling*
Person: Dana shutup
Dana: *smacks table*
by faxposts July 24, 2019
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1. (Day-na) a unisex name but mainly seen in girls with attributes of courage, humor, intellect, wit, a unique air of beauty, and a large heart. He or she loves easily but intensely.

2. someone from Denmark
3. eggplant like
by tdaly112 September 19, 2014
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