Homosexual act of giving a 69 blowjob where both parties have a beard
You should've seen how big their beards were, they'll definately be capable of giving AND getting Beardo Head!
by Pingmaster June 30, 2010
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A class of 05 senior at Suncoast with amusing facial hair. Good for stalking.
Danny: Do you think that guy's facial hair is sexy?
Melinda: ...no
Shannon: Oh, that's Beardo.
by class of 08 February 18, 2005
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A man who has a beautiful, lustrous beard, yet retains little to no hair on his head.
Hey, that guy is a baldo-beardo. Fascinating!
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the small pocket of hair found in the perinium section of the genitalia.
Oh my you will have to shave your anal-beardo.
by karzee April 7, 2009
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Term used to describe a random person whose chief distinguishing feature is his (her?) large, voluminous beard.

Usually carries connotations of the individual being weird, or of him having overly strong feelings for his beard.
"Check out Beardo McGee over there's beard, he could double as Gandalf or Dumbledore with a beard like that"

"He who sacrifices his beard for a woman deserves neither"
"Woah, okaaay, tone it down there Beardo McGee!"
by Charlemagne1993 August 3, 2016
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