On the day February 8th you get to post all the fake friends you have no offence to the people who get posted.
“Have you heard it’s national fake ass friends day today today will be great ”
by Yourmum225 February 2, 2020
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A day were anyone can touch anyone’s ass

It’s a FREE pass to touch an ASS
It is national ass touch day imma go grab dat thicc white girls ass 👅
by Daddy69247 June 22, 2018
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National fake ass friend day is a day to expose and be bold about these fake ass bitches & nigga’s . It’s celebrated November 25th
Keisha fake ass finna get exposed
National Fake ass friend day is to post a friend who is the opposite of a real friend
by Anonymous Pretty bitch November 25, 2019
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on the monday of may 3rd it is national ass pic day and is deemed respectful to send an ass pic either of whoever you choose for the holiday or whoever ask for one
national ass pic day may 3rd

1: you know what day it is

2: hell yeah i do
1: here you go
2: damn you juicy asf
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Good Ass Days - When a days goes perfectly from the way you wake up in the morning to how you go to sleep. During a Good Ass Day, multiple series of good ass events will take place that will keep a smile on your face.

Bad Ass Days - A day so fucking bad you might want to shoot yourself just so your brain will erase the memory of that day. These days suck so much ass it's like, what the fuck happened?
Examples for good ass and bad ass days

GAD: Me: I took the greatest shit of my life this morning, had some tasty ass breakfasts, got a raise at work, saw a marathon of G.I. Joe, and beat the shit out of Godzilla at the arcades today!

Friend: Damn son, you must have a good ass day!

BAD: Me: I took the worst shit ever, it didn't fully come up and I had to force my ass to keep reswallowing it, I caught my girlfriend getting fucked by my dog, fucking Nickelodeon played a marathon of Captain Planet, and my entire family forgot my birthday today :'(

Friend: Damn son, your day fucking sucked, I guess you had a pretty badass day.

Me: No dude, I had a bad ASS day :(
by ThatFaggot December 30, 2013
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A day in a school, usually Middle or High school, where teenagers go around slapping each others butts for the fun of it. Common for a guy to slap a girl's ass, a girl to slap a guy's, or two female friends to slap each other, but is usually taboo for two guys to do so. Normally occurs on Fridays and the message is often passed through a forwarded text.
FWD: Fwd: Friday is Slap-ass day! forward to all members of *name random high or middle school* in your contact list!
by Tobilollipop September 7, 2009
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