Lets say your brother is next to you he has to be nic to you for the rest of the day on october 27th
by Google__ October 27, 2021
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A day where you can be as gay as you want with the girls whilst still being 1000% straight
Person 1: hey it’s October 27th, you know what this means
Person 2: we can finally marry
by imgaybutnohomo October 26, 2019
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October 27th it is national eat a lemon day so go to a store but some and eat
Girl 1:I’m buying lemons it’s October 27th Girl 2:oh ok but me one too
by Heeheeitsmichlejaxon2009 October 27, 2019
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National give a girl a compliment day, go up to any girl you know or not and give her a compliment
Kyle: Aye theres Jennifer, ima give her a compliment

Matt: bro why she’s such a nerd!
Kyle: cuz it’s October 27th dude!
by October 27th October 26, 2019
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The day where the FNAF movie that we've been waiting 9 years for finally comes out.
Guy 1: Yo bro, I forgor, when does the FNAF movie come out again?
Guy 2: on October 27th
Guy 1: In 1 week? Nice. I'm hyped for it
Guy 2: Ayo same
by MichaelMLP October 21, 2023
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On october 27th it is national kiss your “crush” day. So if there’s that boy, or girl you like just kiss them. You only live once. I’m wishing you luck. Pucker them lips and get to kissing❤️
October 27th is national kiss your crush day!!!
by babygirl0455 October 27, 2020
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