people thats born june 15 is the most prettiest people in the world
i like people thats born in june 15 the sooo pretty 💕 .
by jayla hudson March 12, 2022
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The day the Californians finally get to leave this horrible probation period called quarantine
NEWS FLASH: We have received reports that California will reopen June 15th of this year. Mark the date on all your calendars.
by bipedal hô May 24, 2021
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National LGBTQ+ cosplay day! June 15th is a day where you can cosplay any LGBTQ+ character
Guy1: Hey it's June 15th!
Guy1: It's national LGBTQ+ cosplay day?!
Guy1: I'm gonna cosplay as Sailor Neptune!
by Don't_Trip_Up_On_Me<3 April 16, 2022
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The day of the year that the most wanted ship will get together
me: Omg! Look at Bradisson! They're so cute!

friend: Yes! I believe they'll get back together on June 15
by shipmaker June 11, 2020
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Those born on June 15 use their charm to get ahead in life; yet they are highly intelligent and clever people. Natural born teachers, they are natural communicators who have diverse and multifaceted interests. June 15 born love to feel appreciated and if they arent blessed in looks they have the brain to win others over. They easily make friends with their politeness and good sense of humor. They're precious and need to be protected at all costs
Those who born in June 15 are intelligent people
by Cutiepebble November 20, 2020
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If you are born on June 15 you smell like farts and and your breath smells like moldy cheese
Dude 1: holy shit dude you smell like farts
Dude 2: I was born on June 15 🥲
by ButtfUckmaggIe November 27, 2022
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