PPP or pre poop pleasure is a form of pleasure or good feeling that comes directly before a nice shit. The feeling could be described as an ass hole buzz or light headedness of the ass hole.
God I just got the nicest PPP a minute ago and then I dropped a giant load with corn in it.
by BUZZED BUTTHOLE June 10, 2010
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Pum Pum Printers or Pussy Printing Pants. Very thin pants or tights that a girl wears which shows the outline of her genital area very clearly
Girl where you goin' with those PPP!?
by tracylin January 17, 2010
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Post Penis Pain
when the vagina (or butt) gets pounded and the next day it hurts so much that you can't even touch it without it hurting a lot
Joanna: What happened to you?
Haley: Jack was too rough last night and now I got PPP.
Joanna: You should call him Jack the Ripper hahaha
by #Pu$$y d3$tr0y3r March 4, 2014
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man hurry up ppp with thatblunt,you know the rules puff puff pass.you taking all day like you babysitting it.
by bigfreaky May 9, 2012
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Para para paradise.
A kick ass arcade game from japan.
Play style similar to DDR.
DDR kicks ass, PPP kicks some more asses.
by Konami October 6, 2003
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Power Point Presentation.
A file format for sideshow in Microsoft Office.
in the class today, did the theacher show us a good PPP.
by troyno October 7, 2007
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