Ladies don't appreciate Carl as he always gives them Prenut Butter.
by Poncho de LaVita March 6, 2021
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when someone is not very intelligent. kind of a ditz. absent-minded person.
"gosh! sandy never understands anything! she is SUCH a butter brain."
by penguinychills April 6, 2023
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Used to command someone to be careful with a precious resource, especially to prevent their talents, positive traits, or advantages of any kind from going to waste or turning into something negative. We are all given a certain amount of butter for our bread, and the more we have, the harder it can be to secure. All it takes is one moment of carelessness, and that butter may slip off the bread and into the toaster as we are trying to use its residual heat to warm the butter to an optimal temperature in the post-toasting phase of toast preparation. The next thing we know, the toaster is giving off a noxious scent of burnt butter as a lingering reminder of the mistake we have made.
Girl, you best secure that butter! You have a lot going for you, but I'd hate for it to fall into the toaster and haunt you forever.
by tjjohn12 March 31, 2016
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Slut butter basically translates to "sloppy seconds"
You were too slow; looks like you got my slut butter all over your dick!
by Daddy_Finger April 16, 2018
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Black butter is defined as when somebody thinks you’re pronch. like when you’re friends with husband and wife and then the husband calls you slept butter and the wife says now you guys are friends he likes you as a friend now.
How’s it going slut butter?
by Yodafoxy May 14, 2023
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A fat person who chews the butter from the outside of popcorn and spits it out.
I hate going to the cinema sometimes, it's filled with butter spitters
by Expert in the field of ladies October 29, 2018
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smooth, chilled, unsalted (not salty), creamy, spreadable, non stick, can add flavor in any situation
Jordyn: I know you're frustrated now, it will pass, soon you'll be cool as butter.
by NWM-FPS-19thFloor September 29, 2022
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