(noun) A pet name or term of endearment for someone very close to you, such as a lover or spouse.
Instead of using a mainstream term of endearment for her spouse, she called him her butter snoozle.
by piratetag420 June 7, 2011
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A term of endearment, such as "sweetie", "honey", "pumpkin", "lover", "baby".
by killerqueen22 June 23, 2011
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(Noun) - 2 oz Screwball Peanut Butter Whiskey with a Welch’s Grape Soda chaser. Note: the second swig of grape soda reactivates the experience!

Created by Krys Kilo and Gray Devio once upon a winter’s night in Feb, 2020.
Hey bartender, let me get a peanut butter jelly bomb...ASAP!
by Gray Devio February 8, 2020
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When you rub a girls clitoris so hard until a butter like substance comes out of her vagina, you then take that substance and rub it all over her bum and lick it off like a thanksgiving dinner. :)
Damn man, I was with Jessica last night buttering the turkey all night long.
by BussANut December 1, 2018
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What you growlingly exclaim when told that someone did something uncaring/deceitful because "he knows which side his bread is buttered on"; what you mean, of course, is that you would rather risk displeasing the powers-that-be than harm someone else.
Back when I was a frail and tender-minded nine-year-old, my bi**hy second-grade teacher violently shook me and gave me a long severe verbal working-over merely because I had "mouthed right back" at a "spoiled-rich-kid" youngster who had been outrageously rude to me over an extremely trivial matter. At da time I was at a total loss to know why said irritable teacher had been so ferociously defensive of Little Miss Bossy 'n' Obnoxious; it wasn't until decades later that I finally learned that said bratty pint-sized colleen was da daughter of a "somebody" in town, and so I realized dat da teacher had "known which side her bread was buttered on", and therefore when said whiny miscreant went "bawlin' 'n' blubberin'" to da teacher about it, she felt compelled to blame ME for da verbal dust-up instead of just telling dat willful child to "shut up and grow up", as she should have. As I tell my friends when relating the story nowadays, though, "I'd eat my bread without butter!" before I ever unfairly blamed an innocent person like that. Reminds me of da "Little House On The Prairie" episode about da broken music box.
by QuacksO March 18, 2019
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elias likes to suck his wang
elias likes to suck his wang all night long. he is a choo chogger
by Jµeíδ May 1, 2004
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Brad: hey dude wanna come to my party we’re gonna make some peanut butter and crackers
Nick: peanut butter and crackers?
Brad: yeah we’re gonna spread some peanut butter on Amy and Nicole
by http.eatallbabies February 5, 2021
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