One of the hottest cars in existence.
Person 1. What car is that!??!?! It's the sexiest thing I've ever seen!!!!
Person 2. It's a morgan plus 6.
by The president of the moon August 30, 2022
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Slang for liking something, based on the act of clicking the Google "+1" button
That action figure has a kung-fu grip, plus that!
by ChuckReis July 12, 2011
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Something that is so fucking cheap plus tax.
Hey Bill wanna get some tacos? I heard it’s balls plus tax at this place.
by Nigga slayer January 30, 2023
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Fat rolls on the back of subversives head that looks like a package of hot dogs.
Baby daddy gotta grow that hair looking like he going to a BBQ with that bonus plus.
by Byrneout May 9, 2017
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1.) a cool condom that is awesome to use,but its not as good as trojan man.
2.)when u r having great pleasure but it gets even more kinky making it feel much better than it origanally was.
1.)When pudge and I were about to have sex untill he pulled out a pleasure plus. (Dont be silly wrap ur willy!)
2.) you call that night on the mountain pleasurable! i call it a pleasure plus!!!!
by Fiesty Jewels February 16, 2005
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1. A mathematical term used for assignments and what not.

2. Answering a dumb question with a dumb answer.

3. A guy who doesn't know how to solve basic math.
Guy 1: Hey thats like 8 years older than me what is that?

Guy 2: Well how old are you.

Guy 1: 19

Guy 2: Plus Eight!
by Micah R. December 9, 2007
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That question was as eaasy as one plus one.
by Great Boii September 8, 2023
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